I am pleased to present here a new issue of this magazine with a new article “Allegorical Presentation of Countries on Their Postage Stamps, by Dr. Avinash B. Jagtap from Switzerland, second part of “Fancy Cancels of 19th & 20th Centenary USA”, by Dr. Satyendra Kumar Agrawal from Varanasi and under series of World Heritage Sites, Mr. Pradeep Kumar of Patna describes “Desembarco del Granna National Park” of Cuba. You can also add your information and views on these articles to share with other fellow collectors. Just write to the writers direct or to editor of this magazine.
By this issue we are completing fourteen years of its publication and for the same we are thankful to all distinguished contributors who provide articles and advertisements and above all its all regular subscribers. And we do hope this contribution will be continuing in the years ahead as well.
In this last quarter of the year, India Post is organising number of philatelic exhibitions and shows in different cities of India, all in haste. Some of Postal Divisions are also issuing lot of various items Postal Cards, Booklets, Presentation packs etc apart from special exhibition covers, to make it more commercial. I wish great success to all participants and organisers of these shows.
It is really disappointing that there are so many states in India, wherein no State level exhibitions held in past decades – just imagine how the collectors of such states can participate in National or International Exhibitions? Perhaps the Department will think on this and try to arrange State Level Exhibitions also particularly where such exhibitions were not organized in last decade.
Internet and other electronic media are affecting this hobby as well. And in the prevailing time with advanced and fast growing technologies everything is changing rapidly. After Stanley Gibbons & Scott’s catalogues, recently so many reputed Auction Houses have started to publish their regular catalogues in CDs [compact discs], instead of printing the same. Positively this may give better output in original colours, save postage and cost of production as well.
I really feel terrified for the future of printed literature on this hobby which is already quite few in quantity particularly in this region of Asia! I would like to have views and comments from all of you, so please write your opinion on this topic. Henceforth we will share the same with all other collectors though this platform.
Happy stamping till to the next issue…
Suraj Jaitly ....
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